Rough Draft

Well ERG fans, here it is. The inaugural blog post for ERG. This is one of those things I have talked about and thought about and am giving it a try as of today. This is our blogging rough draft moment.

I want this space to be a place for ideas, conversations, and all thinking related to what we really believe in at ERG: thinking and learning. (And I don’t just mean the kids…we are all in the process of thinking and learning something!) If we can have a safe place to have honest conversations, we can all evolve. Think of this as a virtual literature circle…You get to share your thinking, there is no right or wrong and I promise I will not send out any grades!

Since this is a rough draft, we are planning on some edits and revisions. For example, I am having a hard time deciding if I should write in singular form (I, as in Alice) or in plural form (we, as in Hope and Alice/all of ERG).  Ms. Elder, my real life high school English teacher, taught me to be consistent with the form throughout a document. I can hear her voice and see her face and she would not be pleased with this ambivalence I am having.  Even though she is my Facebook friend and I could actually ask her about this, I really want your input. I am leaning towards singular, but open to suggestion.

I have some topics on my blog idea list, but welcome more. What do you love, what do you want to know more about, what are you a little bit fearful of, what really gets you thinking? How does real life learning impact our lessons in the classroom?

And, most importantly, what should I call you? ERG Fan? Y’all? or just not give you a specific name and go generic? I started with ERG Fan, but let me know if you have a different name for people who follow us and are part of our network. You/Y’all/Erg Fans have made us who we are, so it’s important I get this name thing right.

Thanks for being our very first peer editor.  This is going to be really fun.

(I mean “marvelous'” instead of “fun” in case Ms. Elder is reading this.)