Where Have All the School Mamas Gone?

If you work in a school, at one time or another you have had a School Mama.

You know exactly who they are. You can probably picture one right now.

School Mamas come in all sizes, shapes, colors, and are in every school. They are the ones who are wise, give you tips on how to stay on the secretary’s good side, share shortcuts for paperwork, know all the tricks to the copier, laugh with you, and have been known to provide candy on demand. They don’t freak out, they usually have on lipstick, do not lose things, and are rarely late to school or meetings.

Most importantly, your School Mama watches out for you and picks you up (literally and figuratively) on those days when you swear you are quitting. Your School Mama tends to carry some weight when she speaks. She also knows when to tell you to be quiet. And if you have any sense, you listen. 

It is important to point out that we don’t all have the same School Mama and she cannot be assigned to you. You and your School Mama find each other like those little penguins — the universe makes sure of it. And she is technically your equal, not your boss. Money and status would weaken the School Mama code.

If you are really lucky, you don’t only have a School Mama, but you also have School Sisters & Brothers.

Your School Sisters & Brothers typically have the same School Mama you do. You laugh at the same dumb things, you share lesson ideas, miss each other on holidays, and save each other a seat in every meeting. You sometimes get in trouble with your School Sisters & Brothers because you break the unspoken school rules, or you chose not to listen to your School Mama and it bites you in the you-know-where. 

Eventually, one of you will blossom into a School Mama yourself and all will be right with in School World. Cue Circle of Life Music here…

Unfortunately, our School Mamas are endangered. Since people are leaving the classroom in droves, we don’t have enough School Mamas. Without School Mamas, our whole School World system breaks down.

As our School Mamas disappear, we lose insight, we lose wisdom, and we lose the quiet leaders at the classroom level. The trickle down consequences are that we have orphaned School Sisters & Brothers who are lost. They don’t know how to adapt to the specific school culture and begin to die out too. Ultimately this epidemic impacts our most vulnerable in School World: the students. 

I know from experience how School Mamas and School Sisters can save a dying Baby Teacher.

I propose we Save the School Mamas. If you have one, thank the Sweet Baby Jesus or whatever celestial being you believe in. School Mamas are a gift from the heavens, and you better go tell her right now! Better yet, you and your School Sisters & Brothers should plan a proper appreciation day to make sure she does not abandon you. School Mama Appreciation Day, anyone? (One more reason to have cake at school!)

If you happen to be an administrator reading this, you also need to thank the School Mamas in your building. NOW. They run all kinds of interference for you, quietly teach the School Sisters & Brothers how to conduct themselves, and help grow the culture of professionalism in your school. You need School Mamas to help make the School World go around. And if you are honest with yourself, you would not be where you are without one hell of a School Mama from your early teaching days. If you need research to support this, Hattie has some handy.

Save the School Mamas. When they are all gone, so are our schools.