No Need to Whisper When You Talk About Tutoring

From the desk of Hope…

Education Resource Group has a very quiet and subdued tutoring arm called ERG Kids. The reason it is quiet and subdued is because it is reserved for those students who need a personalized approach to academic support. Our goal is to stay small and cozy and very importantly, make a difference with each and every child that walks through our door to be tutored.

Some of our clients are trying to get ahead and some of them are working to stay ahead. At ERG Kids, we support all of them by carving out a plan that is especially designed and personalized for each of them.

While working at ERG last summer, I received a phone call from a parent who sounded nervous about calling our office. She spoke in a whisper and her voice was shaky. The reason for the call was unclear to me for about the first five minutes of our conversation. Finally, I connected all of the dots. She was concerned about her son- academically.

Since opening our tutoring service five years ago, we have talked with many parents who are in pain because they see their child is struggling in school. They are embarrassed and hesitant about reaching out for help. We look at it differently, however. Are you embarrassed when you sign your child up to take piano lessons or a baseball lesson? No. You are excited because they are learning something new, improving and getting a great opportunity to grow as an individual. Their academic life should not be viewed any differently.

I began an interview type conversation with this mother and she revealed to me that “something just wasn’t right with her son”. He was having trouble with school and she “couldn’t put her finger on what was going on”. She started looking through the yellow pages and landed upon ERG. She went to our website and noticed that we offer assessments in reading and thought this may be a good starting point to figuring out the “problem” with her son.

There was a sense of urgency in this concerned mother’s voice so I met with her son right away for an assessment session. ERG assessment sessions “unpack” the literacy or math life of a learner in order identify strengths and weaknesses. This information is then turned into a personalized plan for teaching and learning.

Several tutoring sessions later, I spoke with this parent and she wasn’t whispering anymore. She was, instead, asking very confidently for feedback about her son’s strengths and weaknesses. Time after time we see this transformation happen. Folks enter our tutoring organization very shy and embarrassed about coming to tutoring sessions and then they quickly see that it is really no different than any other lesson you take your kids too.

There is no need to whisper when it comes to tutoring. Visit out website and find out all about how we can help your child either get a head or stay ahead!