Sharing Ideas

Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes.  (Peter Senge) This is what we do as teachers…help one another, be it our students or our peers, grow as individuals and as professionals.  We do this by sharing what we know…

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Nurturing the "Cognitive Enterprise" of Reading

Reading has been called a “cognitive enterprise” and it happens as a result of the connection between the reader and the text. – What do I visualize?  What connections can I make?  Does this make sense? – Successful readers monitor their reading, use strategies for understanding, and evaluate their efforts.  To comprehend a text, a reader…

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It’s All About That “Why”

“As you read today, I want you to list three facts and one opinion in your comprehension journal. Remember, a fact is an indisputable true statement and an opinion is a view or judgement formed not necessarily based on factor knowledge. We are going to transfer these to index cards later and play a game…

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Start a Reading Movement

From the desk of Alice… I recently went to my child’s bookfair and came across the book Igniting a Passion for Reading by Steven Layne.  I read this book several years ago and loved it so I picked it up for one of my ERG principals because I thought she would really appreciate it.  We recently…

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