4 Ways to Promote Quality in the Classroom

Creating Quality Work

Creating Quality Work

As educators we want to provide quality learning experiences for our students.  We also want to instill an expectation and appreciation for quality work from them.  To simply complete a task is not the goal – but to create a product that extends thinking and shows exemplary effort – that is time well spent.  It is a lofty pursuit, but the quest for quality is one we can model and promote in our classrooms.

Here are a few strategies:

  1. Model quality work.  If we want our students to do their best, we need to model our best.  Demonstrate what quality work looks like and make expectations clear.  Share exemplary work samples and examine quality literature, art, music, and other works of excellence.  Discuss what makes a piece of work exemplary.  Why is this work valued and how do you think the creator went about the process?
  2. Have a classroom expectation of quality.  Letting our students know we expect them to do their best because they are capable can be inspiring.  Having daily discussions about this expectation make it part of their vocabulary and make it the norm.
  3. Explain that quality work takes time.  All teachers have heard the quick cries of “I’m done!” too often.  We can help our students learn that excellence comes through a thoughtful process and is created with care and intention.  The goal of a task is not simply to finish, but to grow through the process and create a product that is your personal best.
  4. Recognize and celebrate quality.  Share and encourage frequent and relevant feedback that engages students in making sound decisions about their work and behavior choices.  Bring quality to the forefront of the daily class routine.  If something is worth doing – it is worth doing right.

Aristotle is quoted as saying “Quality is not an act, it is a habit.”  Let’s make quality a habit in our classrooms.  Habits are built through the setting of meaningful expectations, modeling, and practicing.  Striving for quality is a habit that will serve our students well in school and throughout their lives.