The Kindness Ripple Effect

From the desk of Leigh Ann . . .

The beginning of a new year is a chance for a fresh start!  This is a great opportunity to show our children that just by doing things a little differently, they can truly make a difference in 2015.  We can inspire our students to create a kindness ripple effect with a few simple acts of caring.  Here are just a few ideas:

  • Smile at someone.  Research shows that the simple act of smiling activates neural messages that benefit your health and happiness.
  • Use words to build others up – not tear others down.  A kind word can inspire and encourage.
  • Write letters or draw pictures to send to a senior center.  This act of kindness can really brighten an older friend’s day.
  • Send a “kindness card” to someone.  Writing a note of appreciation or encouragement can lift someone’s spirits.
  • Read or play games with the students in a younger class.  You can be a genuine inspiration to younger friends.  They learn from watching you and feel valued because you paid them attention.
  • Have a canned food drive and donate collected items to a nearby food pantry.  There are many people who are in need of a healthy meal and donations go down after the holidays are over.
  • Collect books that can be donated to Goodwill or the Red Cross.  The books you share can create a love of reading for someone.
  • Collect gently used clothing to donate to kids in need.  There are many who could use a warm coat, hat, and gloves now that winter is here.
  • Have a toy drive for kids in the hospital or donate toys and books to your local Ronald McDonald House.  This can help a child who is facing a difficult illness and is away from the comforts of home.
  • Get a haircut and donate your ponytail to Locks of Love.  Locks of Love is a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces for children suffering from hair loss due to medical reasons.
  • Collect pet food for a nearby animal shelter.  These organizations can always use a helping hand in caring for the animals that need a home.
  • Plant a tree or garden.  You are adding beauty and oxygen to our earth.
  • Clean up.  Be responsible and take care of your school and home.
  • Conserve, reduce, reuse, and recycle.  Take care of our environment, so it will continue to care for us.
  • Time is precious!  Share yours to help others.

So often our kids feel they are too small and powerless to have any effect on the world around them, but one small act of kindness can create a spark.  Once everyone is back to the classroom, have your students brainstorm some ways to create a kindness ripple effect.  The possibilities are endless!

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”  – Jane Goodall