One Little Way to Enlarge Your Child's World

From the desk of Leigh Ann…

“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” ~ Jacqueline Kennedy

Research has shown that one of the most important things a parent can do to help instill a love of learning in their child is to read to them every day.   When children are immersed in a great story with rich language their vocabulary is enriched, speaking and listening skills expand, and they develop a desire to become readers.  Reading exposes your child to correct speech patterns, creates awareness of how print works, and demonstrates the excitement that reading can bring.  Books should be an integral part of our children’s daily lives.



Here are a few tips for reading with your child:



·      Before you read, check out the cover. – Read the title, look at the pictures, and make some predictions together.



·      Read aloud from easy predictable books and point to each word.  Next ask your child to read and point to the words.  This gives practice matching the spoken word with the print on the page.


·      Use expression as you read and make the story come alive!



·      Ask questions like, “What do you think is going to happen?”  “How do you think that character feels right now?”



·      Encourage your child to use the pictures to gain clues about the text.



·      When you listen to your child read make sure they are reading a “good fit” book.  If your child is making more than 2 mistakes in every 10 words, the text is too hard.  Choose an easier one.



·      Praise your child’s efforts!   Reading is difficult and language can be confusing.  Encourage your child to try to figure out a tricky word by using the letter sounds, picture clues, and by asking what would make sense.



·      After reading, talk about the book.  Make connections about the text and real world experiences. This helps children learn to draw on their background knowledge.



·      Re-read the books your child enjoys.  Encourage your emergent reader to read the pictures, read words they have mastered, and “pretend” read the text. You are setting them up for success as a developing reader.



Children’s author Emilie Buchwald said, “Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”


What a great gift to give a child!


Leigh Ann Pernell is a guest blogger with ERG.  She is currently teaching at The Downtown School in Winston-Salem, North Carolina where she shares her lifelong love of teaching and learning with kindergarteners.