5 Things You Can Do to Encouarge a Growth Mindset in Kids (via Wonder of Children blog)

I have spent a lot of time this week with parents and talking about kids, reading, and learning. It is one of the best parts of my job and if I had my wish, I would do much more parent education sessions than I currently do. As I was preparing to write tonight’s blog, I came across this blog that speaks to this issue of how to encourage children but honor the growth mindset. (The “mindset” research (Carol Dweck) was mentioned in earlier blogs, and I am a huge fan!)

If you don’t read anything else this week, please read the following blog. It has very practical suggestions for parents and anyone who deals with kids.

When you try these, let me know how it goes! As a parent and an educator, I am always interested in how the theory really works in our real lives. Please share your successes and your bumps in the road!

5 Things You Can Do to Encouarge a Growth Mindset in Kids The debate of praise versus encouragement continues. A quick google search will toss-up over 7,000,000 hits.  No doubt, the seminal research by Alfie Kohn,  Carol Dweck and others have taught us that by offering primarily praise, we create kids who crave approval and validation by adults, rather than developing the confidence and persistence … Read More

via Wonder of Children blog