ERG Independent Study – Digital Learning (1 CEU)


Learn how to use appropriate digital tools and resources for instruction while meeting the needs of all learners.


This independent study will allow you to understand how to use digital tools and resources in your teaching. Earn 10 hours of credit related to digital learning and technology! Differentiation strategies are integrated in this course, so your purchase includes the ERG-recommended (and teacher favorite) Applying Differentiation Strategies notebook containing practical lessons, samples, and resources for teaching


How to complete your ERG Independent Study:


1. You will receive an Applying Differentiation Strategies notebook with your order (either K-2, 3-5, or 6-12). Please email Kaitlyn Hamby at with your choice.

2. Complete the Independent Study. This can be done at your leisure – there is no time limit or due date. Make sure you complete and keep all journal entries, artifacts, etc.

3. When you are finished, submit your items to ERG through Canvas (information will be emailed to you). If all rubric requirements are met, you will receive your certificate of completion by email.