Topping the Top 5

As I worked on multiple ideas this week for our growing audience, I kept getting tangled up on what would really be a timely topic to share with you this week.  Should we jump into the testing arena?  Should I share some cool resources I have found in my reading?  Should we plan a party for everyone who is finally getting out of school? Should I just post pictures of summertime?

After much reflection I have landed on something entirely superfluous.  You have enough on your mind and you are most likely trying to figure out what day it is since that 3 day weekend thing just took place.  So let’s just go for something quick and easy to read that won’t require much deep contemplation but will bring a smile to your face…

As part of my New Year’s resolutions this year, I committed to list 5 things each day that made me smile or brought pleasure to me.  I am an incessant list maker and find comfort in each and every list I make so I knew this type of writing would be a nice match.  This is also my baby step at noticing and appreciating more positive aspects of everyday living.  I post my Top 5 list each night on my Facebook page as a way to keep myself accountable.  Curiously, The Top 5 has trickled over to some of my friends who now post their Top 5 each night.  It’s as if we have a little club going and we make sure to comment on each other’s lists as we tune into our Facebook life.

So…I was digging around on the web and kept hearing about The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha.  As I read more about him and the book, I hit the motherload of all Top 5 lists:

1000 Awesome Things | A time-ticking countdown of 1000 awesome things.

This is my list on steroids.  I love how Neil Pasricha has taken this wonderful idea, wrote a book (The Book of Awesome) , and now has the short version for those of us who don’t want to read the whole book!  So here is my suggested homework for you:

1.  Take some time to look at his list.

2.  Think about what you could add from this day.

3. Smile and know that good things, in fact awesome things, are around you all the time.