The New 3 R's

From the desk of Leigh Ann . . .

The day before school started, a young father asked me for advice on how to navigate the journey as a kindergarten parent.  As a seasoned (really just a nice way to say – old) kindergarten teacher, my heart filled with empathy for this young dad.  I wanted to find the words to give him both comfort and inspiration.  I always have plenty of advice for my students, but it is a little harder to advise the parents.  School is so much more that reading, writing, and arithmetic, so I thought about 3 new R’s to share:


  • Respect – Respect is an important part of the parent, teacher, child triad.  We all need to respect each other.  As a parent, you hold great insights into your child’s needs and the teacher holds great insights into the learning path your child will be expected to take.  Both play important roles in the school experience.  We expect a child to be respectful, but we also need to remember to respect who the child is and celebrate who he/she will become.  Each child is a unique creation!  Einstein said, “Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.”  Strive not to compare the developmental differences in children, but support the developmental needs.  Remember that learning is a lifelong process for us all.


  •  Responsibility – Our children need to know they are responsible for what they do and what they say.  They make choices that affect their learning and their relationships.  Communicate high expectations and support them with compassion.  Be your child’s advocate, but also instill the idea that he/she is responsible for truly engaging in the learning process and for being a responsible citizen.  Forming good habits is essential for success and will take modeling, time, and support to develop.  No one is perfect, and a little grace will be needed.  Teachers, parents, and students are all responsible for bringing the best to the learning team.


  • Reflection – Take time to reflect.  The school year is filled with countless activities, schedules, homework projects – and in the midst of running here and there – we find ourselves simply going through the motions.  Remember to take the time to stop, reflect, and share.  Communication is a life skill we all can work to refine – especially the listening part of the process.  Sit down together and talk about how things are going.  You might inspire a conversation by asking questions like . . .
  • What was the best part of your day?
  •  What was the hardest part?
  •  What made you laugh?
  •  What was the most interesting discovery you made?

Life is hectic, but we have to take the time to slow down and reflect.  Reflection helps us build relationships, solve problems, and expand on what works.

School is so much more than tests, homework, and projects.  It is a place where a spark can ignite a love for learning and an atmosphere where inspiration can mold who our children will become.  An old Chinese proverb says, “Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.”  We have the privilege of guiding our children as they find their treasure and watch it grow.